On a brisk fall morning, a garage door opens in East Anchorage.
Bundled up against the cold, Kikkan Randall straps on a bright pink helmet, and edges her bike out into the chilly air.
“Woo! It is dark,” she whoops as she pedals toward the Alaska Club East.
For those who know Kikkan, many would think this is just another workout for the five-time Olympian and gold medalist.
But these days, Kikkan is fighting a different battle: Breast cancer. And yet, she refuses to let it slow her down.
“My body is used to being pushed. So, I think, continuing to have that little bit of challenge in there, it’s a really good thing for me,” she says as she gulps water.
The workout she does now? She calls it her G.I. Jane workout.
“I said when I shaved my head that I felt like G.I. Jane,” Randall laughs.
A combination of high intensity and strength, it pushes Randall, and helps her feel normal.
For the complete interview click HERE.